"A complete nuclear war" So Dmitry Medvedev in the wording!

For 11 weeks now, Putin has been waging his war of aggression against Ukraine - and unfortunately there is no end in sight.

"A complete nuclear war" So Dmitry Medvedev in the wording!

Because the situation is gaining momentum and the fronts between NATO and Russia are hardening further, a close Putin confidant is now warning of a nuclear war...


"Such a conflict always carries the risk of eventually turning into an all-out nuclear war.

NATO countries pumping weapons into Ukraine, training troops to use Western equipment, sending mercenaries, and the exercises of allies near our borders increase the likelihood of a direct and open conflict between NATO and Russia"

Thus Dmitry Medvedev in the wording!

It is not the first time that Medvedev openly warns of a nuclear confrontation and thus exerts pressure.

But who is the man who keeps talking about a nuclear war?


Because Putin had to leave the office of Russian president for 4 years in 2008 after two terms, his puppet chancellor Dmitry Medvedev took over for him.

A trick and a friendly service, so that Putin could take the helm again afterwards....

Putin and Medvedev have always been close friends - especially since they almost always pursue the same political goals.