Koudid Souheib "Souhaib" Detained Without Bail for Barcelona Metro Assault

Koudid Souheib "Souhaib", the perpetrator of the Barcelona metro attack, has been provisionally detained without bail after brutally assaulting ten women at the Camp de l'Arpa metro station on February 9th.

Koudid Souheib "Souhaib" Detained Without Bail for Barcelona Metro Assault
Koudid Souhib

Koudid Souheib "Souhaib", the perpetrator of the Barcelona metro attack, has been provisionally detained without bail after brutally assaulting ten women at the Camp de l'Arpa metro station on February 9th. Additionally, grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and punctuation errors have been corrected.

Souheib, a 30-year-old of Moroccan origin, had been previously convicted five times and was already known to the Mossos d'Esquadra. The language used in this text has been revised to ensure objectivity, clarity, and precision, while adhering to conventional structure and formal register.

On Friday, Souheib attacked a group of women, resulting in severe injuries to Anna Punsí, as seen on CCTV footage.

Souheib has been charged with assault and degrading treatment and has been detained by Instruction Court 32 of Barcelona. The police are urging other victims to come forward and report the crime.

Despite the severity of the incident, only one woman has filed a complaint so far. The police hope that other victims will find the courage to do the same.