Mason Greenwood career over! threats to kill hasrobson

The 20-year-old Englishman is arrested over the weekend after his ex-girlfriend (hasrobson) Harriet posts terrifying photos, video and audio recordings. Greenwood allegedly beat and raped her.

Mason Greenwood career over! threats to kill hasrobson

It can happen that quickly. Before the weekend, you're still one of England's greatest football hopes, and just a few days later your entire career is destroyed. And rightly so.



Since then, Greenwood has been in pre-trial detention....

But when the 20-year-old gets out of prison, he finds only a shambles of his former dream career. Everything is gone.

And let's be clear: Whoever does something like this to a woman deserves it!

Mason greenwood caught exposed cheating on Harriet robson to add insult to the gbh and r.. VIDEO


  • Manchester United suspends him.
  • EA Sports removes him from FIFA 22.
  • United throws all of the player's items out of the store.
  • Many teammates turn away and unfollow him.
  • Nike cuts off cooperation with him.
  • Manchester police arrest him.
  • House search.

It can happen that fast...

Mason Greenwood threats to kill

Further arrested meaning

what does further arrest mean