Andrew Walls charged with possession of firearm while under the influence of alcohol

Proud boy in Ohio called a black woman racist names and physically assaulted her. Andrew Walls of Akron, Ohio, was charged with assault and possession of a firearm while under the influence of alcohol

Andrew Walls charged with possession of firearm while under the influence of alcohol

Police charged Andrew Walls, 26, with possession of a weapon while intoxicated and assaulting a 23-year-old black woman after video footage showed Walls calling her and others racial and derogatory names.

Here is violent racist Andrew Walls " lecturing " 2019 students at Kent State University about firearms. Do you want psychopaths like this to be licensed to carry firearms?

Ladies, please do not think that you need to argue or physically fight or step to men, or even violent women. And you don't argue and fight with drunk people. Also, don't go out with men who don't protect you. This shouldn't have happened for many reasons. Be safe