Surf Band Pro - A sun protection solution for surfers of all kinds

Have you ever heard about the incredible invention that will watch on March 3 at Shark Tank? It's called Surf Band Pro and it's a revolutionary sun protection solution designed specifically for surfers. It provides superior protection from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays and is designed to be worn comfortably while surfing. Let's take a closer look at this fantastic product.

Surf Band Pro - A sun protection solution for surfers of all kinds

The invention process of the product 

Surf Band Pro was developed by an avid surfer who was looking for a better solution to protect his skin from UV rays without sacrificing his favorite sport. After months of brainstorming and testing, he came up with the idea for Surf Band Pro, which he then brought to Shark Tank in 2023. The Sharks were impressed with the product and its potential and invested $75,000 in exchange for a 20 percent stake in the company.

Advantages of Surf Band Pro

Surf Band Pro offers many advantages over traditional sunscreen lotions or sprays. First, it's easy to apply and wear; just swipe it on your arm or leg and you're ready to conquer the waves! Second, it has a water repellent formula that won't wash off while you surf, so you don't have to keep reapplying while you surf. Finally, it has an adjustable fit that will fit any arm or leg size with ease.

Overall, Surf Band Pro is an innovative sun protection solution designed specifically for surfers who want maximum protection without sacrificing comfort or performance. Its appearance on Shark Tank has helped it become a successful company that offers its products at competitive prices at many retailers across the country. If you're looking for an effective sun protection solution for the water, be sure to check out what Surf Band Pro has to offer! You can buy the product on Amazon here